Disability Services

Edmonton Disability Services

We’ve been serving people in Edmonton living with disabilities since 1979.

We are a Level-2 Alberta Council for Disability Services accredited agency. Our services support a wide range of diagnoses, including but not limited to:

  • developmental disabilities
  • mental health and complex behavioural needs
  • physical limitations
  • medical fragility





Full Days



How to access our services

Our services are accessed by caseworker referral only through:

  • Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD)
  • Children’s Services (CS)
  • Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)
  • Government of Northwest Territories
  • Government of Nunavut

The difference Disability Services makes

Our goal is to empower individuals to achieve their full potential with the support of their community. We create opportunities for each individual to enhance their quality of life through goal setting and personal achievement.

Who we serve

We were first established to provide support to women having a child living with disabilities.

Today, our services are expanded to include all adults and children with disabilities, and their families. From infants to seniors, we support everyone we can to ensure all those who come into our care are given every opportunity to live their best life.

What we offer

Hourly Respite
Hourly support in the family home or a support home.

Host Respite
Part-time support outside of the family home or support home.

Support Homes
Full-time supports provided by support homes.

Family Behavioural Consultation
Assessment and support for parent of children with disabilities who have behaviour concerns. 

Join our team!

Email us at careers@ywcaedm.org.