Leave a Legacy

Pass It On!

Leave Your Legacy for a Future of Equity, Opportunity and Choice Through A Gift In Your Will

A charitable bequest made through your Will is a simple and impactful way of giving. It allows you to leave a larger gift than would be possible during your lifetime.

By planning today, you can have a tremendous impact on building safer, stronger communities. Your support will allow us to continue to support the most vulnerable people in our community for many years to come.

Types of Legacy Gifts

A Specific Piece of Property



Life Insurance

A Percentage of Your Estate


Called a charitable bequest, this type of gift offers:

  • Flexibility: Because you’re not actually making a gift until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time.
  • Versatility: You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or amount of money, make the gift contingent on certain events, or leave a percentage of your estate to us.
  • Satisfaction: You can provide a future gift while retaining control of your assets during your lifetime.

Other benefits include:

  • A charitable tax receipt to your estate
  • Reduction or elimination of estate taxes through careful planning
  • An opportunity to honour or memorialize yourself or a loved one by establishing a named endowment fund

Make your planned gift today!

Leaving a gift to YWCA Edmonton in your will is simple. 

For more information, please contact: 

Renée Chan

Senior Development Officer


YWCA Charity Integrity

YWCA Edmonton is a registered Canadian charity (#10822 7935 RR0001).

We’re a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). We do our utmost to ensure that our fund development practices are ethical and transparent. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about our fundraising practices.